A dear friend of mine, Sonja allowed me to share with her some of the changes I made in my lifestyle. Honestly, she was skeptical but because she knew me, trusted me and knew that I wouldn't misguide her she decided to try this nutrition. There were times that I wanted to cry because the things she was saying, the dark room that she was locked into, people trying to help you but you were in this place where nobody could reach you, yet the Lord was always there holding her hand no matter how she felt. She truly is a remarkable lady and I admire her forthrightness. She is pretty bold, opinionated and will tell you exactly what she thinks. Though, she has a tender sweet way of doing it at times. It was a couple weeks maybe and she messaged me "Hey I fit into a shirt my husband bought me last year that I never thought I'd wear ever!" Me...I almost couldn't contain myself with joy! Yes! I did something that helped someone. Another time, "I don't' know what's in this but I have so much energy I don't know what to do. Just did laundry, dishes, cleaned the house...etc" I'm sure there were more things she tackled. I prayed a lot and I still do but I prayed specifically for something to come in my life that would help me get my health back. And that lady is my leader, Duska. We are to be stewards of our bodies and take care of it while we are here on this earth. Before Sonja said yes her focus could've been death, giving up, no use, no hope, what's the point, who really needs me anyway....etc. There are so many thoughts that take away from us that control us. Since when should we dictate what our mind should make us believe. We are all here to make a difference in someones life. I'm here to make a difference in your life if you are reading this. You are not here by chance. I don't even know who all will read this but KNOW I'm praying for YOU! You make a difference! You are important. The people around you need you. There is so much more to life than we realize. Hug those you love, cherish every moment, spend time with those you love, let them know how much you care about them and don't ever stop showing it. Couple days ago, I talked to Sonja and I made an image below and I'm sharing it because one I got permission and secondly, I'm so proud of her! She is doing so great! This could be you. This could be someone you know. If it is, please message me so I can share with you how you can have this too! Don't wait. Time is precious and live so you can give to others what you were meant to do in this lifetime.
Lisa Cogswell
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