What are your skin, hair, muscles, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys made of???
❤️CELLS. And each organ is turning over new cells at different rates.
What are your cells made of?
What basic food nutrients do they need to function?
What happens when your cells are starving for nutrients? 😰😰😰
🤕Joint pain
🤕Low energy
🤕Weight gain
🤔Now think about what you've eaten in the last 24 hours. Were there enough nutrients for your cells to make you feel amazing? Or are you tired and worn out and suffering much of the time?😴😴
This isn't rocket 🚀 science. If your cells are LIFE (and they are) and you are starving them, you are not going to feel right until you fix that.
🙌🏼People don't call this life changing for nothing. This really is about health and quality of life. Not just wearing cute clothes or seeing lower numbers on the scale.
💚It's the best food, plain and simple. It's exactly what your cells need to function properly, and in the right amounts. 💚#healthynutrition #whatif #itactuallyworks #lifechanging #yourworthit #30daymoneyback
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