Becoming a leader is not something I ever thought would happen. Like seriously I’m responsible for others? I’ve failed forward many times. With each new day, learning from my leaders and doing some personal development, I’m more confident, secure, and hold my head high.
My relationship with the Lord is much stronger. I’ve been so blessed and just knowing He has carried me through some of my darkest storms and raging seas. He never leaves us nor forsakes is. The spark that started between my husband when I first caught a glimpse of him that first time at college is back! The happy mom that I need to be is there for my kids. I don’t need to scream. They just need to know they are loved and I’d move any mountain I could. I’m able to do things with the kids again like bike riding, playing tag, running my first race this May 2019...even 8k at that. I get free groceries plus some to help out with extras in life or even those oops moments. We all have them.
My life is changed forever. Now I just want to help others find solutions to make their life better. Life should not be full of defeat. Claim victory and make a change. Let me cheer you on through your lifestyle change!
Are you ready for a change?
If you are comment below and let’s talk!
#fearlessleader #bossbabe #setfree #lovecanmovemountains #WillYouChange
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