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Showing posts from November, 2019

Leftover turkey option...pot pie!

Dinner was amazing!  My husband was hungry for pot pie so I took the leftover turkey and threw what I had together.  I’ll have to make again.  Served one for dinner and another for tomorrow. #foodiefriday #success #savingthisone #homemadecrust #easydinner #30min

Are you ok...

Are you ok being you, truly being you? It’s taken me a lot in life to figure that out.  That I don’t have to please everybody. Yes I’m silly at times, gullible and distracted at times.  It’s ok.  I am who I am. I’m thankful that a dear friend cared enough to tell me the truth when it wasn’t easy to.  Maybe she was afraid it would hurt or end our friendship. If anything at all it’s stronger. Have faith to receive the hard things and be brave enough to change the things needing changed. Hard things come our way. Friendships are broken and who knows if they’ll ever repair.  One thing I know is those who are meant to be in your life will always be there no matter what.  They accept you for your imperfections and love who you are. So many times I thought my life was over.  I’ve done some stupid things.  God had something bigger planned for me and yet He is not done.  He’s still working on me.  I’m far from perfect.  I guess tho...

Sometimes life gets so busy...

Sometimes life gets so busy we forget to wait on the Lord. Sometimes we think we have the solutions and try to fix things ourselves. He says if we wait on Him, He shall renew our strength.  We shall mount up with wings like a soaring eagle, run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint. As a mom, wife, homemaker, coach, teacher, and I’m sure I’m leaving some out, life can get wearisome. You want everything to fall into place and run smooth. Then their are struggles and they help you grow or they handicap you.  Use the struggles to grow. Life is what we make it.  We can be defeated or we can overcome. Which one will you choose?


I love Tara’s story!  So many changes!  Sometimes it’s so easy to forget how far you’ve come!  I love listening to her on leadership calls and listening to her story.  I’m sure it will encourage you too. Here’s her story... “Changes πŸ’• Total loss 15 pounds 20 inches all over my body. Sometimes , I don’t even realiZe How far I’ve come. Unless you take pictures along your journey , you forget how it used to be. The picture on the left was February 2015. I hated my body. After having my 4th baby , my body never went back to pre baby πŸ‘ΆπŸΌ, my hair was falling out. My skin was a mess. I was eating fairly clean diet. I had migraine headaches daily , inflammation was raging through my body. Lower back pain consisted of me popping 4 Advil’s a day to get rid of headaches and body aches The only thing I’ve changed is nutritional rebalancing and flooding my body will macro nutrients, intermittent fasting but with food groups that support it and vitamins. WOWZA TO CHA...