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Showing posts from February, 2021

Another life, another story...

 šŸ’„Even though our collagen has stolen the show lately the results of our amazing nutrition keeps pouring in!  I’m so thankful that it’s allowed me to keep maintaining and reset when I need to.  Let’s face it we can’t always control what we breathe in.  Inflammation and toxins build up.   Check out Sarah’s story below... “When we were kids we were fearless, anything was possible we could be anyone we wanted to.  So how come when as we get older we start telling ourselves we “can’t”. Why? Why do we let our own mental blocks stop us from being/doing exactly what we want.  Everything depends on you, it depends on you stepping out of your comfort zone, it starts with you truly believing in yourself and letting nothing stop you.  Over the past 15 months I’ve been able to re invent myself, I’ve been able bring that little kid out in me again the one who believes she can be whoever she wants.” #transformationtuesday #todayisnevertoolate #icaniwill ...

Happy Valentine’s Day

 “You’re my world and I’m yours” My daughter made us a Valentine’s cake.   Half almond joy and the other chocolate with strawberry filling.  Buttercream frosting...tasted amazing!


  MEET DIXIE (aka Miami when we got her)   MEET AND BEWARE OF DIXIE’s BREEDER BELOW BUYER BEWARE:  Cari Mulligan, Located on Drummond Island, MI; Yorkshire Terrier Breeder at Frayer Creek Yorkshire Terriers (Photo below this heading: Cari Mulligan  from Drummond Island, MI) As a health coach, many have watched my health journey and not only that but my well being mentally and emotionally.  I have come so far.  You wouldn’t recognize the old me.  I have confidence, comfortable in my own skin and now I help others rise above their struggles.   Sometimes throws situations at us that are much bigger than us.  This not only affected myself but my whole family.  My youngest finally doesn't wake up crying asking for Dixie.  I'm thankful for adaptogens and things to help with anxiety in a natural form through vitamins and minerals.  It really has been so helpful.  What is my story?  Who is Dixie that was on...